You'd think we'd fallen off of it.
Ashley and I have returned from San Francisco, sleep deprived, yet very grateful for the memories we obtained. Of course, I've forgotten my camera today, so the pictures will be up soon.
Hopefully soon we will get back on our regular blogging schedule. :)
Much Love,
Ash and Sam
Monday, June 27, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Laziness Takes Over
What a day, what a day.
Well, there really wasn't anything going on. Ashley and I just got lazy. So we decided to take the day off from blogging. Of course, tomorrow will resume as normally, but today, we just couldn't find the energy between watching the kids and running errands.
So, for this we apologize, and also hope that you understand.
Much Love,
Ash and Sam
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
From the Desk of Ashley
Ashley loves to read, and today's quote comes from a book of poems by Alfred Lord Tennyson. She's obsessed with this book of poems. She bought it off ebay, and is constantly flipping through its worn pages. "Isn't it so beautiful?", she asks me.
This is an excerpt from the poem, 'Maude'
"She is coming, my own, my sweet; Were it ever so airy a tread, my heart would hear her and beat. Were it earth in an earthly bed; My dust would hear her and beat. Had I lain for a century dead; would start and tremble under her feet, and blossom in purple and red".
I must agree, it is quite beautiful.
And the moment you've all been waiting for, the word of the day.
sanguine (adj)-optimistic, hopeful, or confident
Much Love,
Ash and Sam
Do Re Mi
Sometimes, there is nothing better than listening to the oldies. Today, I have chosen the sweet sound of Billie Holiday for the song of the day. I figured the the iconic Ms. Holiday was a perfect symbol of a different era of music. The soft, melting tones of her song, "Am I Blue" make me wish that era had never ended.
You can't not listen:
Much Love,
Ash and Sam
English Breakfast
Good Morning... that is what it says across the big white coffee mug that I am drinking out of. I can still see the steam rising out of the English Breakfast tea... sugar and milk of course. (What kind of Brit would I be if I didn't put milk and sugar in my tea?) I'm sure my England born great-grandfather, Cyril English, would be proud.
Like most little girls, I grew up having little tea parties with my grandma... sometimes dragging my dad into my room to drink some make believe Earl Grey. Now that I am all grown up, I still enjoy the occasional tea party. Real ones of course.
Today's fashion find reminds me of a grown up tea party, with a childish twist. It's a vintage 1950's full bodied dress with a gorgeous floral pattern that matches a spring garden. If this dress doesn't make you want to sit down to some Earl Grey and crumpets, I'm not sure what will.

Much Love,
Ash and Sam
Like most little girls, I grew up having little tea parties with my grandma... sometimes dragging my dad into my room to drink some make believe Earl Grey. Now that I am all grown up, I still enjoy the occasional tea party. Real ones of course.
Today's fashion find reminds me of a grown up tea party, with a childish twist. It's a vintage 1950's full bodied dress with a gorgeous floral pattern that matches a spring garden. If this dress doesn't make you want to sit down to some Earl Grey and crumpets, I'm not sure what will.

Make sure to check it out!
Much Love,
Ash and Sam
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
I Left My Heart In San Francisco: Lend Me Your Questions
Ashley and I are taking a trip to San Francisco this weekend. Oh to be in the Foggy City. It might not be as big as New York City, but that just means it fits better in our hearts, right? I can't imagine having lived life without having seen the sunset from the Wharf, taken a white knuckled stroll through the Tenderloin, or watching the busy streets slowly fall asleep during the dead of night.
Ashley hasn't seen much of the City. (We people from the Bay Area fondly refer to our city as The City) So thats why I am so excited for this weekend. I will have the chance to show her why I fell in love with the city in the first place.
So... what should we do? For any of you that know the city very well, tell me what you think Ashley should she. What should we eat? What should we take pictures of? We want to know.
Ashley hasn't seen much of the City. (We people from the Bay Area fondly refer to our city as The City) So thats why I am so excited for this weekend. I will have the chance to show her why I fell in love with the city in the first place.
So... what should we do? For any of you that know the city very well, tell me what you think Ashley should she. What should we eat? What should we take pictures of? We want to know.
Much Love,
Ash and Sam
A Song for the Soul
Continuing on with what seems to be a theme of love for today's posts, today's song of the day is called "I Know Places" by Lykke Li. I like the almost haunting edge to her voice, and it provides a melancholic aspect to her songs.
Here's the link:
Happy listening!
Much Love,
Ash and Sam
A Rose By Any Other Name
....Would smell just as sweet.
"Falling in love consists merely in uncorking the imagination and bottling the common sense." -Helen Rowland
Wouldn't life be so much more pleasant if we all talked in poetry? I think that's why I love listening to French people talk (and also why I love speaking in French)... because it sounds like they are always reciting a delicate rose-scented love poem.
Today, Ashley described her word as being "tasty" when I said that it didn't really go along with the theme of our post. But, nevertheless, I shall post her word.
fiendish (adj)-diabolically cruel and wicked
I guess this word can relate greatly to the theme of love (gone awry) ... for those of us who have had less than stellar experiences in this particular subject.
Much Love,
Ash and Sam
"Falling in love consists merely in uncorking the imagination and bottling the common sense." -Helen Rowland
Wouldn't life be so much more pleasant if we all talked in poetry? I think that's why I love listening to French people talk (and also why I love speaking in French)... because it sounds like they are always reciting a delicate rose-scented love poem.
Today, Ashley described her word as being "tasty" when I said that it didn't really go along with the theme of our post. But, nevertheless, I shall post her word.
fiendish (adj)-diabolically cruel and wicked
I guess this word can relate greatly to the theme of love (gone awry) ... for those of us who have had less than stellar experiences in this particular subject.
Much Love,
Ash and Sam
Coffee and Wii Mario Kart
Good Morning Everyone,
Ashley and I are here at our older sister's house watching our adorable nephews. (I don't remember ever willingly getting up this early). Austin, our oldest nephew, immediately started playing Mario Kart on the Wii. I, on the other hand, am curled up in the recliner, smelling the coffee coming from the kitchen, yet I am too lazy to go pour myself a cup. Well, enough with our boring lives... let's get to the fashion pick of the day!
Today I went with something a little different, yet of course still sticking to our vintage roots. I found it on the same site as usual, Like I have said before, it's a great place to go if you are looking for authentic vintage clothing and accessories. There are also a lot of great patterns and fabrics that some shop owners carry. The shop owner today is Bethlesvintage, and I knew I wanted this headscarf to be our fashion pick of the day.
Ashley and I are here at our older sister's house watching our adorable nephews. (I don't remember ever willingly getting up this early). Austin, our oldest nephew, immediately started playing Mario Kart on the Wii. I, on the other hand, am curled up in the recliner, smelling the coffee coming from the kitchen, yet I am too lazy to go pour myself a cup. Well, enough with our boring lives... let's get to the fashion pick of the day!
Today I went with something a little different, yet of course still sticking to our vintage roots. I found it on the same site as usual, Like I have said before, it's a great place to go if you are looking for authentic vintage clothing and accessories. There are also a lot of great patterns and fabrics that some shop owners carry. The shop owner today is Bethlesvintage, and I knew I wanted this headscarf to be our fashion pick of the day.
Here's the link:
This makes me want to go take a ride in an old convertible with the top down! Sometimes I wish it was still 1955. Hmm. Oh well.
Anyway, there is more to come today, so stay tuned. :)
Much Love,
Ash and Sam
Monday, June 20, 2011
Ashley's Words of Wisdom (And Her Word of the Day)
Since we so rudely skipped the word and quote of the day yesterday, we knew that we could not do the same thing today. So, here we have Ashley's intriguing word of the day, and her oh so lovely quote.
The quote is:
"A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous." -Ingrid Bergman
Ingrid Bergman
And Ashley was clever enough to provide you with a word of the day that appeared in the quote of the day... nifty, right? Right.
Annnddd the word of the day isssss...
superfluous (adj)- being more than is sufficient or required; excessive
I hope all of your brains feel satisfied. We hope these words come in handy at some point. :)
Much Love,
Ash and Sam
A Song to be Sung
The song I have chosen today comes from a British Goddess we all love. This is my favorite song from her newest album "21".
"Set Fire to the Rain" by Adele
Sometimes I wish that I could have more than one Fashion Picks of the Day because I am constantly finding more and more cute vintage things that I want to show all of you! So I have decided to share a few other finds on this post... I hope you guys don't mind. ;)
Here is one that I found on a shop called Ninth Avenue Vintage. (this one is also on I love the carefree flowy-ness of the blouse... totally something I would wear to the beach with some shorts or capris!
Here's the link
The next one is from the same shop, and it is a vintage dress with an adorable floral pattern.
Here's the link:
Well anywhoooo, I hope you enjoyed my fashion finds. Enjoy this wonderful summer afternoon... filled with Adele of course! :)
Much Love,
Ash and Sam
Apologies, Apologies
Hello Everyone!
So sorry for skimping out on the posts yesterday. Ashley and I were really busy with getting our room cleaned and all put together! You gotta do what you gotta do, right?
So I will start off the day like I usually do, with our fashion pick of the day. Aren't you just so excited? Maybe not. But I am going to show it to you anyways. This dress came from a shop on the site (A great site to go on when you want to find a huge variety of real vintage clothing and accessories) It's a 1960's style floral party dress. I fell in love with it because you can really see the age in it, but it is still beautiful and definitely party-ready. The shop is called TheVintageStudio. I'm sure you will love what she has on there as much as Ashley and I do. :) The shop owner has many more true-vintage dresses... needless to say, it was hard to choose just one.
So sorry for skimping out on the posts yesterday. Ashley and I were really busy with getting our room cleaned and all put together! You gotta do what you gotta do, right?
So I will start off the day like I usually do, with our fashion pick of the day. Aren't you just so excited? Maybe not. But I am going to show it to you anyways. This dress came from a shop on the site (A great site to go on when you want to find a huge variety of real vintage clothing and accessories) It's a 1960's style floral party dress. I fell in love with it because you can really see the age in it, but it is still beautiful and definitely party-ready. The shop is called TheVintageStudio. I'm sure you will love what she has on there as much as Ashley and I do. :) The shop owner has many more true-vintage dresses... needless to say, it was hard to choose just one.
Here's the link:
I just thought that I would announce that Ashley and I are taking a visit to San Francisco, the city that I (Sammi) am originally from, this weekend. For those of you who have been reading, we would love to hear some input on what we should see, what to eat, and what to do in the Foggy City. Plus, we need followers! So if you read this, please....please follow!!
Much Love,
Ash and Sam
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Fashion Pick of the Day (And Why I Love Summer)
I think most people appreciate summer. The endless sunshine, clear blue skies, and of course, warm summer nights. But there is another reason that I love summer. It finally gives me a chance to wear all of those adorable outfits bought such a long winter ago. I love walking out the door into the summer heat wearing my favorite florals and bright summer dresses.
This makes me want to go to Hawaii!
All this talk of Summer fashion brings me to our Fashion pick of the day, and it comes from the site, The designer makes accessories that are to die for, especially the little rose stud earrings and bobby pins! But what I have chosen today is her oversized rose ring, and I think you will agree when I say it's irresistible.
Here's the link:
Happy shopping everyone!
Much Love,
Ash and Sam
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Song of the Day!
You guys didn't think that I would let the day pass without giving a song of the day would you??
Today's pick is by Neil Young, and its called 'Heart of Gold'
Today's pick is by Neil Young, and its called 'Heart of Gold'
Word of the Day (And a Little More)
Since Ashley doesn't usually get up until around 12:30 on the weekends, the word of the day has come in a little it's more like the word of the afternoon.
Today she has chosen...
ebullient (adj)- overflowing with fervor or enthusiasm; high spirited
Now...go use it in a sentence!
Today Ashley and I don't have much planned... other than cleaning our room. At the moment she is making tea for her breakfast/lunch. (I have been awake since 10:00) It is looking like a beautiful day here in Folsom. Hot, of course, but beautiful.
Just as a reminder to all those who have been reading our blog, (I am very happy to report that our blog has reached to places such as Canada, Thailand, Australia, and Germany!) if it is something that interests you, please become a follower! We want to know what is on everyone's mind. It's easy and it would help out a lot!
Here's a quote that Ashley and I found to be funny. We caught it while watching Spongebob Squarepants with our nephews...
"That which does not kill you, usually succeeds in the second attempt." -Mr. Krabs
Hardly inspirational, we know, but we figured it would make you laugh.
Much Love,
Sam and Ash
P.S. Be a follower of our blog for a chance at fashion giveaways!! More info to come.
P.S. Be a follower of our blog for a chance at fashion giveaways!! More info to come.
Fashion Pick of the Day!
Good Morning Everyone!
I hope everyone is having a great morning.
So today I have for you a dress from the website, who was kind enough to let me display some of their pieces. (So a big thanks to them!)
What I love about this dress is that it has a retro feel to it, yet it is very chic and up to date. Also, the price isn't bad either!
I hope you guys love it as much as Ash and I do! :)
Much Love,
Ash and Sam
I hope everyone is having a great morning.
So today I have for you a dress from the website, who was kind enough to let me display some of their pieces. (So a big thanks to them!)
What I love about this dress is that it has a retro feel to it, yet it is very chic and up to date. Also, the price isn't bad either!
I hope you guys love it as much as Ash and I do! :)
Here's the link to the website and the dress:
Much Love,
Ash and Sam
Friday, June 17, 2011
Our (Very First) Song of the Day
So today our choice is a classic by 'Otis Redding', one of our favorite artists. The song is called, 'I Love You More than Words Can Say'.
We Need Your Input!
Hey Guys!
Ashley and I would really like to know what you guys want to see in our blog. We want all of the input that we can get. Anything from contests to giveaways... we want to know! We are really trying to expand our reader base and we don't want to disappoint anyone. So...if you are reading our blog, please please pleaseeee follow it! We'd love to see more followers... especially if it is someone besides or mother.
Much Love,
Ash and Sam
P.S. We'd also love some constructive criticism!
Ashley and I would really like to know what you guys want to see in our blog. We want all of the input that we can get. Anything from contests to giveaways... we want to know! We are really trying to expand our reader base and we don't want to disappoint anyone. So...if you are reading our blog, please please pleaseeee follow it! We'd love to see more followers... especially if it is someone besides or mother.
Much Love,
Ash and Sam
P.S. We'd also love some constructive criticism!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Our Very First Post
So our first post won't have anything fancy. It doesn't include any cheap fashion finds, romantic poetry, or a song to obsess over. But what we will tell you is what to expect from our newborn blog.
Ashley has an obsession with words. She once told me that she wanted to read the dictionary. So, she has decided that she is going to put together a word of the day post. Exciting right? Don't ruin her hopes and dreams. As she says, "I would just like people to start using words other than 'like' or 'um'. I like words that you have to explain the definition of." And of course, seeing has how we both love music, she has taken the liberty of posting a song of the day. They will most likely be a mixture of old and new songs, chosen by the likes of Ashley herself. Also from the mouth of Ashley, "If you don't like it, don't listen." Rude.
Who doesn't like to read? Okay, well some people don't, but Ashley and I are on a mission to get people reading again. No. Not Twilight. Not Pretty Little Liars. (No judgements of course)We are talking about the classics (with new ones thrown in there). 'Grapes of Wrath', 'East of Eden', 'Catcher in the Rye', 'The Razor's Edge', and a book that inspired our name, 'A Tale of Two Cities'... and so many others. So, we have decided to do a book of the day as well. Get ready to read people.
Of course, we couldn't call ourselves a fashion blog if we didn't post about our latest finds and clothing that we have fallen in love with. So obviously you'll be seeing some of that.
I won't go over everything at this one time, but I would tell you to expect recipes, pictures, websites, friends, and family.
So Ashley already has her word of the day and it issssssss... *drumrole*
ineffable (adj)- inexpressible
So there you go, you've already got your first taste of a 'Tale of Two Sisters'. I hope you enjoyed it.
Until next time,
Sam and Ash
Ashley has an obsession with words. She once told me that she wanted to read the dictionary. So, she has decided that she is going to put together a word of the day post. Exciting right? Don't ruin her hopes and dreams. As she says, "I would just like people to start using words other than 'like' or 'um'. I like words that you have to explain the definition of." And of course, seeing has how we both love music, she has taken the liberty of posting a song of the day. They will most likely be a mixture of old and new songs, chosen by the likes of Ashley herself. Also from the mouth of Ashley, "If you don't like it, don't listen." Rude.
Who doesn't like to read? Okay, well some people don't, but Ashley and I are on a mission to get people reading again. No. Not Twilight. Not Pretty Little Liars. (No judgements of course)We are talking about the classics (with new ones thrown in there). 'Grapes of Wrath', 'East of Eden', 'Catcher in the Rye', 'The Razor's Edge', and a book that inspired our name, 'A Tale of Two Cities'... and so many others. So, we have decided to do a book of the day as well. Get ready to read people.
Of course, we couldn't call ourselves a fashion blog if we didn't post about our latest finds and clothing that we have fallen in love with. So obviously you'll be seeing some of that.
I won't go over everything at this one time, but I would tell you to expect recipes, pictures, websites, friends, and family.
So Ashley already has her word of the day and it issssssss... *drumrole*
ineffable (adj)- inexpressible
So there you go, you've already got your first taste of a 'Tale of Two Sisters'. I hope you enjoyed it.
Until next time,
Sam and Ash
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